responsive design of a company's website
TH Network provides precise telecommunications, hydrogen, and solar energy solutions, empowering businesses to reduce environmental impact while meeting energy goals seamlessly.
Product Designer
UX Researcher
UI Designer
Optimal Workshop
Adobe Creative Suite
User research
Usability Testing
Jul - Aug 2023
The Solution
Through this project, I was able to create responsive designs for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices while achieving key business objectives, which included introducing the company's values and specialties in the network business. Additionally, the responsive designs helped fulfill user needs for accessing professional technicians through the website and understanding the network services the company offers.
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As a contracted UX/UI designer for TH Network Group, Inc. and was responsible for building the company's website.
About Company
The company is a startup in the IT industry specializing in setting up network services.
The visitation rate of new customers got increased up to 93% after launching the website.
The company is relatively new, and its customers consist of businesses and commercials. To achieve success in this project, it is crucial to create an easy-to-navigate design and provide a clear explanation for each service in the product.
Additionally, they aim to promote their services through various channels, including social media. Building a strong brand is necessary, and effectively delivering the company's value will be essential.
Problem Statement
Promoting a wide range of services

Explore what kind of services TH provides, looking for details about the services offered, the features and benefits, pricing plans, technical specifications, or any other relevant information.

Prompt and efficient customer service

Community and Interaction: Contact the company to request services.

Easy to access

Management of billing:
Users are familiar with managing their billing on the website, and they want to continue doing so

Survey & User Interivew
From existing customers
Existing customers who have received network services from the company are concerned about potential technical issues they might face in the future. If the network service does not function properly, it will adversely affect their business, so they want to receive prompt technical assistance.
From potential new customers
Some users have a hard time understanding the type of network service they need for their business. They want to comprehend the network service options available and receive assistance in choosing the best one.
Insights from users
The majority of users visit their network service provider's website to manage service plans, billing, technical issues, and account settings. Their purpose is not focused on specific features, which means the website should be easy to navigate in order to meet the users' purposes for their visit, encompassing all the features.Half of the participants were satisfied with their experience visiting the website, while the rest were not. The existing competitor's website requires improvement, particularly in addressing issues such as slow page loading, website performance, navigation, and organization.One of the assumptions I made before conducting this survey was that users visit the website whenever they encounter issues while using the network service. If we introduce a customer service or technical assistance feature, we can prioritize adding live chat or instant messaging as a means of communication.
Detailed Research Findings
user flow
How might we...?
Project goal
  • Explore what kind of services the company provides
  • Community and Interaction: Contact the company to request services.
  • They want to request inquiries through the website.
  • Help customer with their Digital and AI Transformation needs.
  • Brand Awareness and Reputation
  • Conversion and Sales: Promote the services to customers
  • Business Growth and Expansion
  • Introduce the services we offer
Technical consideration
  • The platform company choose was, so there is a possibility to limit customization for the design
Site map
To enhance website navigation, we crafted a user-friendly site map by leveraging insights gathered from user interviews, surveys, and collaborative discussions with the team.
Task Flow
The foremost focus is on aligning business goals with user needs in the task flow, ensuring that this synergy is maintained throughout the website design process.
Taking into account its suitability for the task, I began sketching ideas on paper and engaged in discussions with the team to determine the optimal layout for the contents.
design system
Created a high-fidelity prototype to ensure that it meets the user's needs and the business's goals
logo design
Final Design / solution
Created responsive designs for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices while achieving key business objectives, which included introducing the company's values and specialties in the network business.
Additionally, the responsive designs helped fulfill user needs for accessing professional technicians through the website and understanding the network services the company offers.
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Usability testing
Apply feedback
Success metrics
With the successful launch of the website, the number of visitors increased
As new visitors increased, the company gained a new reputation as an innovative and professional network company.
If I have more time
What I learn
If I had more time, I would like to add a customer service feature. Currently, the website has a way to contact the company, but I want to explore more detailed options for providing customer service, such as live chatting or allowing users to upload images or videos.
Creating a company's website from scratch was a challenging journey. I had to carefully select UX/UI designs to present extensive content effectively. Communication with both business owners and users was crucial to build the brand and integrate it into the design. I learned website development, crafted responsive designs, and improved my presentation skills through user interviews and research, showcased in keynotes and prototypes.