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For your healthy lifestyle
My Responsibility
I was responsible for leading the entire project in the role of a solo UX / UI designer with skills in research, interviewing, analyzing, creating user and task flows and architectural information, conducting usability testing, and applying feedback iteratively.
UX / UI Design, UX research, Design System
Figma, Maze, Optimal workshop, Adobe suites
Four weeks, 80 hours
NutriRevive is launching its mobile application for the first time, and the mission of this product is to assist and guide people in striving for a healthy lifestyle. By helping users implement healthy lifestyle habits, we can prevent diseases and illnesses.
It is a product that provides a health management app for managing all aspects of a user's physical and mental well-being, including their past medical history and individual circumstances and goals.
1. Finding time to prioritize fitness amidst a busy lifestyle is challenging.
2. Regaining Fresh Ideas for Cooking Nutritious Meals
3. The accuracy of analytics for personal databases, specifically sleep data, is a concern.
  • From the user research conducted for this project, most of the users struggled to find time to prioritize their health.
  • Eating healthy food is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle, but users face obstacles in finding healthy food recipes and also desire to understand how food affects their bodies.
  • Users were frustrated whenever they had poor sleep and wanted to find a solution to improve their sleep quality. They believed that obtaining accurate data would help them in finding the solution.
The definition of a healthy life varies for each individual because each person has different health conditions and concerns.
Developing functional features of a personalized dashboard based on the user's personal goals, needs, and medical history, and assisting them by providing a motivational and enjoyable experience through the overall product vibe, is essential.
secondary Research
Competitive research and user research were conducted for this product to identify business goals, determine the product's market positioning, validate the hypothesis, and understand user's needs and pain points.
Fitbit offers devices and an app for tracking activity, heart rate, sleep, and more health metrics.
Providing a platform access workouts and training program led by professional trainers.
Extensive 14M+ food database for easy nutrition tracking and informed dietary decisions.
information architecture
To create an easy-access structure, I conducted card sorting with ten participants. 
Based on the results from the card sorting exercise and considering the business goals, I developed an informative architecture.
Style Guide
Following the product launch, a significant majority successfully accomplished their tasks and conveyed satisfaction with their overall product experience.
Logo Design
Final Design
Check out the prototype
Usability Testing
At the stage of high-fidelity design, I engaged with five participants to assess how the product could be enhanced and ensure that users could successfully complete tasks. The final designs incorporated suggestions and feedback gathered from the usability testing.
high-fidelity prototype
Splash Screen
When a user opens the app, they will encounter this splash screen. I added a fun animation to welcome them.
Sign up
the user will sign up to create an account and start answering questions to reach their personal goals for a healthy life. The progress bar gradually increases as the user completes the process. In case they want to complete the process at another time, an exit pop-up will be displayed. Once the sign-up or log-in process is complete, the welcome page will be displayed.
Now, the user reaches the dashboard.The top bar will showcase the user's goals and animate them to deliver an active and motivational vibe. The main features of workout, food diary, and analytics provide detailed information tailored to the user's needs in each category.
Users can easily access programs or easy-cooking recipes they desire and add them to their dashboard to manage their goals effectively. If the suggested programs are not visible on the home screen, users can utilize the search feature in the bottom menu bar to find specific programs.
Success Metric
After launching the product, I asked my friends and family to use it, and the majority of them were able to complete the tasks and expressed satisfaction with their experience using the product.
Success Rate
Sign up process
Search for tutorials and easy-cooking receipts
Customize the user's dashboard according to their personal goals.
Through this project, I had the opportunity to oversee every process of building a product. I learned how a good product can positively impact people and discovered the connection between users and business. Personally, conducting user interviews and usability testing provided valuable insights, and I was able to enhance my communication skills. It has been a fantastic journey, meeting wonderful individuals not only through user interviews but also during group critiques and collaborating with other designers I have worked with in the past. While there are areas that can be improved in this product, I am determined to continue its development.